so i forgot my password. actually, it was more like a "i haven't visited this page or the balcony in over a month and totally forgot this blog existed and when i remembered i tried to log on but soon realized that i had forgot my password" forgetting-of-my-password. well, the password has obviously since been regotten and i am returned. woot.
summer school came and, praise the heavens, went - all without my presence for half of the term. meh. i pulled a b in physics and ended up once again dropping the horrendous bore that was music app ["drop" used lightly]. goodbye, summer break, i never had you. but wait! due to some genius stroke of luck, i was able to get the next two weeks off work. better still, i actually conned the suckers into paying me for it. it's just too beautiful:: i'll be guzzling coffee whilst playing doom in my boxers on the company dime. for albeit brief moments in life, there is justice. or something.
quite a bit on the plate for the next few months, especially for someone as uniformly lazy as myself:: fifteen hours of force-fed edumacation and a move, headlining. i'm actually pretty damned excited about classes resuming as nothing promises to absolutely suck this semester. the epic, the short story, early american lit, " " history, and art app threaten a hell of a lot of reading, which is great, and very little bullshit coursework, which is equally great. this, being my third consecutive semester as a full-time student, is some kind of record. hooray for late-bloomers. hooray for the chronically unmotivated. huzzah and whatnot. my sister and i will be leaving the parentals' shack and rooming together sometime after midterms. which is good, i suppose, as there is a constant drama enacting and fabricating itself at home. stepdad's off his meds, mom's having a few mid-life crises, susie's on fire, i can't feel my legs for the love of god and all that is holy . . . it'll be a good thing. hannah's peddling her teller-stuffs full time, now, so we'll be in decent shape financially. well, she will but i'll be among the happy poor so long as i have an internet connection and enough cash to buy beer. /burp
if nothing else, moving out will force me to get serious with school. sure, i've had more a's in the past year than anything else, but i've also had a couple f's. the fact that i just had to quell the overwhelming urge to type "woot!" after saying that lands me somewhere between "sick bastard" and "dumb motherfucker".
i concur.
are you back for real?
or are you just teasing me?
i vote for the first.
sharon, at August 16, 2004 at 9:07 PM
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