madness!!! [with a wee bit o' garlic]
today i::
further wondered if my mentor is going mad or if i'm just too damned cynical. just because i have the most abstract, ridiculous dreams doesn't discount everyone else's. God can reveal deep truths about the nature of our existence to our subconscience, right? :\ i guess my dreams are just way too humanistic. i am the creator/savior/destroyer in them - reality begins and ends with me. sure, i believe that God communicates to us in our sleep [that state in which we're closest to truly waking] - i've experienced it myself. a particularly nasty storm has made its way into several of my dreams, always the night before a particularly nasty [and unforseen] occurence in real life. always the same conflict, always the same massive funnel cloud. except for the time when velociraptors stormed my school and a baby t-rex ate my math teacher. that was sweet.
realized that i am stupidly impulsive. seriously, man - walking from the parking lot in BFE to work isn't ANY kind of statement. it's dumb. friggin get back in your car and find a better spot [that piece of well-tended lawn near the shrink's looked pretty choice]. please try to remember that the bus doesn't MAKE ROUNDS ON THE WEEKEND. /doh
learned an important lesson - uttering the words "filters" after requesting a pack of regular luckies is expected at the walgreens on 20th. otherwise, you end up with unfiltered toastedness which, while tasty, is quite filterless. /coughs
was asked to read the most hideous love poem never published. a colleague/classmate of mine wished to flex his grammatic muscle and composed a series of couplets to his estranged girlfriend. wow. i like the kid, so i did my best to keep any pained expressions off my face when he asked what i thought. note to everyone:: never ask an english student what they think of your writing unless you have a considerable amount of time to listen, a desire to be criticized [in my case, severely], and really, really thick skin. as i would be forced to work in close proximity to him for the rest of the night, i decided to go easy. very easy.
"well, it's . . ."
"very sappy, isn't it?"
"YES. the meter is fairly irregular and . . . "
"man, i had the perfect meter in my last poem. it's at home."
"uh-huh. i'm not a huge fan of sentimentality in love poems."
/blank stare "did you see the part where i went all yoda-style?"
/sighs "yeah." /grimaces
/smiles "i thought that was pretty cool."
"are you giving this to her?"
"i'm sure she'll love it."
had the best. brauts. EVAR. griff, i salute your discernment in the realm of all things sausage. num. mercilessly slaughtering everyone [with the exception of nathanael's precious few lucky wins] in halo was great, too.
didn't get enough sleep. again.
one day i'm going to ask your opinion on something of mine. perhaps it will do me good to be on the receiving end of the critiquing as i'm always the one doing the extensive critique. i will try to have a tough skin. or else at least give you some shielding armor of some sort.
did i know you were an english major?
sharon, at June 14, 2004 at 4:18 PM
im sure i told u i wuz engrish major! haahahahaomgwtf.
i'd love to read your stuff and, seeing as i value my hide, i promise not to be overly critical.
just mocking.
!, at June 15, 2004 at 10:01 PM
mockery schmockery.
one day ...
sharon, at June 26, 2004 at 9:07 PM
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